Watch Netflix on your TV and in your Car Techtips, Software Reviews and More  > Reviews, Tips & Tricks >  Watch Netflix on your TV and in your Car




In the video below I will tell you a little bit about a great device named ROKU which allows you to stream your netflix "Watch Instantly Queue" to your TV. I will also show you how to hook this little device to your car so you can watch your netflix movies and shows on the go.

This device goes for about $100.00 and below I put the links to where you can get it and the technical specs, as well as links to the video where I explain in detail the verizon wireless service.


LINKS: Internet Access Anywhere video this is where I explain in detail the verizon wireless service.

Roku box at $99.99:




MiFiRegarding the router, there is a new little device coming out on the 17th of May which is a small portable battery powered router and it will let you use the internet without cables and where ever you are. This box will allow up to 5 devices to connect to it. It has 4hrs of continuous use and 40hrs standby time. It is small enough to fit anywhere. Verizon and Sprint will be carrying this little router it is named MI-FI. I was not able to use this for the video but you can substitute the router I show you in the video for this one which is very compact and no cables to worry about.

4 thoughts on “Watch Netflix on your TV and in your Car”

  1. Great effort, I like it when people still take the time out to word things as well as you do. Great work, my friend, have a fantastic day!

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