me2012Welcome, the purpose of this blog is to bring you information about cool applications for your computer, tips, tricks, and product reviews to help you get the most out of your computing experience.

Being part of the computer and Internet industry for over 14 years, I have found some great programs on the Internet that really never get attention or are not explained correctly. This also applies to some of the hardware out there for your computer. Well I have put this blog together with the purpose of sharing with you some of the software on the Internet, Product reviews, and Tips  that can change the way we work or play on a regular basis.

Let me know if you have come across any software or tips that you would like featured here. Write me at Thanks for your visit.

You can also find me on:

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2 thoughts on “About Me”

  1. wow thanks for all the info. really good. and clear, and understandable information thanks againg good luck.
    from all of us in miami

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