Windows7 or Vista Redesigned? Techtips, Software Reviews and More  > Reviews, Software >  Windows7 or Vista Redesigned?

SBallmer_17 The new Windows7 operating system beta is out and below I put together a video to show you some of the new features and how Windows7 looks like what Vista should have been. Below are also the links so you can download the 32bit version or 64bit version of Windows7 that you can try and activate with a key until August 1,2009.

Microsoft with this release shows how it has tweaked settings and made some changes so that the overall Windows experience is what customers expected since many enterprise companies have not made the move to Vista, most of them sticking to XP for many reasons. With this release things might change.

In order to download Windows7 you do need to have Windows Live ID. Don’t worry if you do not have one, you can create one quickly to get started when you click on the links. The download is large since it is 2.43 Gigabytes. It is downloaded as an ISO file which you can easily burn onto a DVD. If you do not have a software that will burn ISO files than I suggest some of the following programs. ROXIO, NERO, MAGIC ISO. One last thing is Microsoft currently will close the beta download on February 10.


Minimum recommended specs:

  • 1 GHz 32-bit or 64-bit processor

  • 1 GB of system memory

  • 16 GB of available disk space

  • Support for DirectX 9 graphics with 128 MB memory (to enable the Aero theme)

  • DVD-R/W Drive

  • Internet access (to download the Beta and get updates)

Windows 7 Homepage:



win7_icon_beta_sm Below are the download links. Windows 7 Beta is available for a limited time, to the first 2.5 million people who download the software.




NOTE: in the video I mention that in Windows 7 the “Switch between windows” option is not visible. I found this great link with a tutorial that will show you how to turn on that feature

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